
Life's Grandeur:A Journey of Evolution

In this exhibition, diverse and dynamic life forms are presented with the evolutionary progress after several significant extinction events and environmental changes that took place on Earth.

1F │ NATURAL HISTORY & FOSSILS │ Permanent exhibition

The world is vast and full of amazement. The diversity of life on earth is astonishing. The dynamic environments on Earth have given birth to a vast array of living creatures in nature. To be born on this earth as a human is a blessing. Let us be captivated and amazed by the mysteries of nature. Let's united for environmental and ecosystem protection, so we can all enjoy  the splendid nature in the future.


The vast African continent covers a diverse range of climates and environments, including deserts, savannas, and tropical rainforests. The continent also nurtured the world's most extensive group of fauna.
Herbivores are foraging for food on the grasslands, while carnivores are looking for prey from afar. The ruthless scenes of animals attacking and defending each other are common on the savanna. The ecological world of nature is linked together by competition, collaboration, and a survival of the fittest.

Europe characteristically has a coastline with many gulfs and peninsulas. The distribution of vegetation differs with the various climates in different areas. The north is tundra and turns into boreal forests, broadleaved forests, and mixed forests in southern Europe. The southernmost part contains subtropical plants and animals of the Mediterranean. At the same time, Europe provides diverse habitats for different animals.

Asia contains many different climate zones. Siberia has tundra, with coniferous forests to the south. Between coniferous forests and mountain ranges are juxtaposed dry climates of deserts and semi-arid climates. South of the Himalayas are subtropical and tropical climates. Although the area south of the Himalayas is geographically small, it contains various species of plants and animals. Even among the towering peaks of the Himalayas, there are large mammals migrating throughout them.

Situated to the southeast of the Asian continent, Taiwan is located on the convergent boundary of the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate. Frequent tectonic movement and orogeny cause continuous weathering, erosion and deposition. These processes created dense mountains and valleys, along with coasts, grasslands, plateaus, hills, basins and crisscrossing rivers, causing all of the boundless diversity of living organisms that can be found on Taiwan.

Located in the southern hemisphere, the Australian continent split from the Gondwanaland during the late Mesozoic Era, allowing Australia to develop an extremely unique biota. Australia has preserved monotremes, like the echidna and platypus, and marsupials, like the kangaroo and koala bear, which serve as a testament to an important chapter of mammalian evolutionary history.

North America
To the north it reaches the Arctic area. To the south it touches upon the tropical rainforests of Central America. North America crosses many different climates of polar, temperate, and tropical climate zones.  Mountain goats and bighorn sheep are roaming in the Rocky Mountains. Moose, the largest member of Cervidae, are mainly living in Canada. The prairies in the middle and west of North America are renowned habitats for American buffalo and pronghorn. Among the immense mountain areas live the largest terrestrial predators, grey bears, black bears, and brown bears.

South America
South America possesses diverse landscapes. Due to the geographical separation throughout geological history, South America has preserved uniquely ancient mammal species. An important paleozoogeographic event occurred called the Great American Interchange, causing the fauna here to become even more diverse and complex. Alpacas and llamas are alpine animals live in the plateau areas. Armadillos and anteaters are unique and ancient wild animals. The Amazon rainforest contains the world's richest biodiversity, including many endangered species, such as tamarins and sloths.

The climatic environment at the earth's poles is geographically a tundra biome because tree growth is hindered to the point that only tundra can survive, which is typically covered by thick layers of snow and ice. Throughout the year, only summer can have 24 hour daylight per day. . The rest of the year is sunless and dark here. Due to the cold and harsh environment, animals typically battle with the nature with thick skin and long fur or hair, as well as a lot of body fat to keep them warm.