
A Dream Came True : The Story of CHIMEI Museum

This is a real and touching story of a far-reaching project originated with a private dream of an inspired individual assisted by a cohort of collaborators. Ultimately they transformed the dream into reality that has since benefitted the public. However, the process of actualizing this beautiful and fantastic aspiration is an odyssey spanning over eight decades.



The Moving Emotions of Childhood:Tainan Prefecture Educational Museum

    Wen-long Shi was born in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Era and grew up in a family of twelve squeezed in a 
small home beside the Tainan Canal on Shennong Street(known as the ‘Tainan slums’ back in the days). He attended the Harbor Common School(now the Tainan Municipal Sie-jin Elementary School)and states that during his boyhood, “after school I would either visit the local fish farm or the museum.”  Situated beside a traffic circle at that time, the Tainan Prefectural Educational Museum was an institution providing free entrance to the public.

    The museum and its abundant amount of biological specimens frequently swept the young Wen-long Shi into a state of enchantment, causing him to often linger 
on a long time and forget to head home. During these brief trips traveling back and forth from home to school and to the museum launched his precocious exploration of the world. His countless visits to the museum fostered his perceptiveness and an intense curiosity for all things. The museum disappeared during the chaos of the Second World War, but his young heart still retained a deeply imprinted image of the museum, preserving the seeds of his cultural dreams and aspirations.