
Origami Universe:an exhibition of art and innovation through folding

This exhibition features creations from more than 60 artists, designers, engineers, and scientists from over 20 countries. The nearly 400 pieces of artwork includes a paper-made microscope that can magnify objects up to 2000 times and lively animals created without cutting or gluing. You will find origami not only a part of our childhood memory, but also art, design, science and lifestyle.



    Geometric sculpture is prolific within the origami art world. The sculptures presented dont necessarily take on recognizable forms, like that of representational, but are autotelic: interesting for their inherent structure, rather than the subjects they portray. The development of this style of origami is more recent, much like modern and abstract art of other media.
    Many of the works in this section are mathematically inspired, following laws and axioms that govern the possibilities of what can be folded. This section shows the following types of geometric origami :
  • Corrugations, where the entire surface of the paper is exposed with no overlapping layers.
  • Tessellations, which have a repeating pattern of shapes. 
  • Modular, where multiple sheets are folded and held together purely through friction.
  • Curved Folding, where the creases are not linear.
  • Pleating, which uses straight creases to produce organic, curved forms.
    Many of the works in this section are possible only because of advancements in computer science, where software is used to generate the crease patterns.