
Origami Universe:an exhibition of art and innovation through folding

This exhibition features creations from more than 60 artists, designers, engineers, and scientists from over 20 countries. The nearly 400 pieces of artwork includes a paper-made microscope that can magnify objects up to 2000 times and lively animals created without cutting or gluing. You will find origami not only a part of our childhood memory, but also art, design, science and lifestyle.



    The obvious application of origami is to use it for aesthetic purposes. This is seen in enhancing the surfaces of furniture, decorative vessels, and jewelry. Folding and fashion go hand in hand. Pleats in clothing have been around for centuries. Shaping flat pieces of fabric to fit dimensional bodies is similar to transforming flat paper into three dimensional structures. While folds have been a part of fashion since its inception, contemporary designers are bringing origami into the world of haute couture more directly, giving their apparel and accessories a more geometric silhouette.
    Origami can also be applied to increase the functionality of products in addition to changing their appearance. Much of the research conducted on origami for artistic and explorative purposes has actually led to innovation in fields like space exploration and medicine, employing the flexibility of origami into research and application of structural forms. Flat foldability laws and rigid foldable materials have contributed to origamis application to the 